Livestock Extension, Husbandry, and Herd Health Services
The Livestock Extension, Husbandry, and Herd Health Unit provides technical/extension advice to the livestock farming community through farm visits, seminars, training workshops, demonstrations, and other learning avenues based on requests from both internal and external stakeholders.
The Unit assists with all aspects of developing and executing herd health preventive programmes for all livestock animal species. This includes, but is not limited to:
- ear tagging
- hoof trimming
- deworming against common internal and external parasites
- vaccinating against common preventable diseases
All services are conducted in accordance with established Departmental policies and within the recommendations of the product manufacturers.
A biannual census exercise is also conducted across livestock farms on all three Islands in order to gather vital Agrisector data.
The Unit also provides services to facilitate improved genetics among various local livestock populations across the Cayman Islands, namely through delivering artificial insemination services.
To arrange for Livestock Extension, Husbandry, and Herd Health Services Services, persons should call 947-3090. Alternatively, bookings can be made through the Department’s website.
Clients should provide the following information when arranging extension, husbandry, and herd health services:
- Name
- Telephone number
- Email address
- Type and number of livestock to be seen
- Type of service requested
Schedule A Service