Cayman Brac – Poultry Training Day – April 24 2023

On April 24th, 2023, the Department of Agriculture hosted its inaugural Poultry Training Day in Cayman Brac under the management of Mr. Daniel Palcu, the National Egg Strategy Officer (NEST). The primary objective of the training day was to provide poultry farmers with an introduction to the field of poultry science, as well as some practical advice and examples on how to run a successful poultry farm and tackle specific issues. The event was structured into five different topics, which included: Effective Biosecurity Measures, Feed Management and Nutrition, Disease Prevention and Control, Poultry House Management, and Egg Production and Handling. Additionally, the Q&A section covered other poultry-related topics.

The training day’s purpose was to help farmers grasp the significance of biosecurity measures and to equip them with the skills and knowledge to implement them on their farms. The discussion on feed management and nutrition provided an overview of the various feed types available and how to choose the appropriate type and quantity to feed their birds. The discussion on disease prevention and control highlighted the importance of rapidly identifying and addressing signs of disease and how to prevent the spread of disease on the farm.

Furthermore, the discussion on poultry house management centered on maintaining clean and hygienic poultry houses while providing birds with the best possible environment for growth and development. Lastly, the discussion on egg production and handling covered egg collection, storage, and transportation.

Overall, the training day was an enormous success, and the farmers gained invaluable knowledge and skills that will assist them in running successful poultry farms. Mr. Palcu and the Department of Agriculture are planning a similar training in Grand Cayman in the near future.