Publications – Cayman Islands Food and Nutrition Security Policy 2022-2036

Cayman Islands Food and Nutrition Security Policy 2022-2036


Cayman Islands Food and Nutrition Security Policy 2022-2036 PDF Publications Library Link


The Cayman Islands Government (CIG), particularly concerned about the health and wellbeing of its people as well as the expanding and devastating public health dilemma and related disease burden, have commissioned the formulation of a Cayman Islands Food and Nutrition Security Policy (CIFNSP). The CIG’s preparation involves the identification and analysis of the contributing factors undermining food and nutrition security in the country and the crafting of measures to address the underlying issues comprehensively and inclusively.

Nutrition is essential to human health and wellbeing. It enables the full potential of human growth and development and influences the quality of life in endless ways. The basis of understanding human nutrition is food and nutrition security, defined as, “When all people, at all times have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food which meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life”. Its absence has adverse consequences for individuals, households and society.

This globally accepted definition of food and nutrition security points to the following dimensions: availability, accessibility, utilisation/consumption, and stability. There is also the ethical and human rights aspect, which stems from the fundamental reality of the critical importance of food and nutrition to human wellbeing, dignity and survival. Together, these provide a recognisable pathway to link food, nutrition and health with the rationale for adopting a multi-dimensional approach and investing in multi-sectoral collaboration to address the challenge of ensuring global, regional and local food and nutrition security.

The primary issue of concern is the ability of the individual human being to meet his/her food and nutrition needs.


Last updated: January 1, 2023
Category: (PAHI-TD) Ministry of Planning, Agriculture, Housing, Infrastructure, Transport & Development